In the past few years many have observed some on the American right spiral into an obscure and bizarre fascination with pro-Kremlin or pro-Putin points of view. This topic is often very contested, debated, and subverted. One should always desire to develop their knowledge politically and observe other ideas outside of socially acceptable viewpoints, however, intellectualism of the American right has seen a move into the realm of simple and pure Putin fandom. This shift in belief can be perceived as a side-effect from the deterioration of the West. Some cling to pro-Putin sentiment because they believe he is the bastion of hope and a setting example for nationalism. This has led many Americans on the right to promote a government that is hostile and aggressive to their allies, as well as their own culture and identity. They claim to want nothing more than to defend these things, and yet they embrace standpoints that are poisonous to them. This is often done in a subversive way to attempt to move their views closer to Marxism and Bolshevism under the guise of confronting the corrupt American government, or neoliberal globalism.
Some Americans speak of a cultural divide between Western and Eastern Europe. The average American knows little about the culture, history, and triumphs of our Eastern European brothers and sisters; which only adds to this problem. Many American’s only knowledge of Eastern Europe is the time of the Cold War and USSR, or maybe the modern political topic such as President Donald Trump’s Russian collusion conspiracy. With having little knowledge about the culture of Eastern Europe, and viewing it through these misconceptions; a lure and mystery that only deepens the conflict can be created. This lack of understanding misguides ideas of the region and favors, in particularly, Putin’s Russia.
A growing number on the American right view Putin’s Russia as a model of civilization and a beacon for nationalists; stressing that the movement goes beyond traditional left-to-right politics. This viewpoint seemingly developed with much of the modern American right from online message boards, and “Alt-right” e-celebrities operating from questionable positions. This view of Putin’s Russia is greatly problematic and delusional. Many of them believe that Russia is the lesser evil on the global political stage compared to Western Europe and the US’s modern liberal governments. One must not view politics this way, if they do it can often lead them to a dead-end choice between two evils that both result in their people’s destruction.
Putin is not a friend to nationalists, even within his own country. He has imprisoned and outlawed numerous groups, even for simple acts of public protest. This includes groups of ethno-nationalist and traditional Slavic religions claiming them to be “extremists” or inciting “racial hatred.” However, with many things in our modern world, it is not simply black and white. Putin’s government can often use similar nationalistic tones and policies that present themselves at the surface as being nationalistic, when in reality, they are nothing more than populism like we see in the United States. This message is often propagandized by those claiming to be speakers of the American rightwing movements, when they lack any in-depth understanding besides 160 characters, echo chamber imageboards, or podcasts.
Russia’s aggressiveness with its neighbors such as Ukraine, Georgia, and others in the Adriatic Baltic Black Sea area proposes a significant threat to our own and shared cultural identity and future. The same goes for the similar destructive actions of the European Union and US government neo-liberal social policies.
What are the alternatives, for an American? To support nationalistic and traditionalist political movements and metapolitics worldwide. One way this can be done is through recognizing new geopolitical unions capable of protecting the interests of their people; and deepening mutually beneficial cooperation in the fields of defense, economics, science, education, cultural, and political strategies. You do not have to choose the lesser evil. You can build and support new ideas based on the shared traditional connection that is under threat by our enemies. We must keep building and connecting with movements pancontinentally and allow for those movements to grow and develop ideas and tactics for their success. We could even potentially build an area that secures and defends our commonly shared views and future if one of us fails. A movement that seeks power has to possess a clear and sober understanding of its friends, possible allies, and enemies. First and foremost, it has to consolidate all of its supporters before considering an alliance against a common enemy. An alliance should not betray our ideological allies in Eastern Europe. Russian imperialism is not an alternative to globalization, but just another form of it. Putin’s Russia is not the future of nationalism. It is time for the American right to awaken from their pro Kremlin dreams and face reality.